了解詳情內容簡介:你以為你「正常」而可愛的撒嬌聲,在德國人眼中,卻是多麼恐怖的體驗嗎……竹筷要掰開才能用。但你聽過德國阿姨把手指卡進沒掰開竹筷中挑著飯吃,把手指夾得又紅又腫、令人噴飯的故事嗎……讓德國人不吃會抓狂的小圓麵包,到底有什麼神奇魅力呢?你知道超流行的的貝肯史脫克(Birkenstock)皮拖鞋,是不能隨 便 亂 穿 的嗎……你知道慢慢唸出「烏爾勞布」4個字,所有德國人馬上眉開眼笑的奇妙咒語嗎? 在德國史派亞這個安靜的小小城鎮,在這個東西文化交會的小小屋子裡, 每天都有驚天動地的笑料發生…… 好奇貪玩的華娟, 這次不但要告訴你,在和諧中不搭調,不搭調時也很好笑的文化差異, 還要一本正經的告訴你, 發生在德國北方森林, 關於一棵愛情樹,與一個郵差的, 浪漫愛情故事……
了解詳情內容簡介:你以為你「正常」而可愛的撒嬌聲,在德國人眼中,卻是多麼恐怖的體驗嗎……竹筷要掰開才能用。但你聽過德國阿姨把手指卡進沒掰開竹筷中挑著飯吃,把手指夾得又紅又腫、令人噴飯的故事嗎……讓德國人不吃會抓狂的小圓麵包,到底有什麼神奇魅力呢?你知道超流行的的貝肯史脫克(Birkenstock)皮拖鞋,是不能隨 便 亂 穿 的嗎……你知道慢慢唸出「烏爾勞布」4個字,所有德國人馬上眉開眼笑的奇妙咒語嗎? 在德國史派亞這個安靜的小小城鎮,在這個東西文化交會的小小屋子裡, 每天都有驚天動地的笑料發生…… 好奇貪玩的華娟, 這次不但要告訴你,在和諧中不搭調,不搭調時也很好笑的文化差異, 還要一本正經的告訴你, 發生在德國北方森林, 關於一棵愛情樹,與一個郵差的, 浪漫愛情故事……
Folk Socks: The History & Techniques of Handknitted Footwear
了解詳情Originally published in 1994, Folk Socks taught knitters in North America all about how to knit socks with Nancy Bush’s careful instructions, charts, and illustrations. Folk Socks offers a collection of 18 sock patterns pulled from European and British traditions, including boot socks, Birkenstock socks, lacy stockings, kilt hose, cabled and clocked socks, and more. There is also a chapter on essential sock knitting techniques for heel turns, toe shaping, and top ribbing for knitters of all skill levels.Folk Socks still contains the same in-depth history and the same step-by-step instruction from Nancy Bush that sock knitters have come to love and depend on. Now you can get this popular resource with updated information on new yarns as well as modifications that Nancy has learned since first writing this book.A classic reference, now updated, this is a must-have for any sock knitter.