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ASTA TV  KOREA 1月號/2015

ASTA TV KOREA 1月號/2015


W.B. Yeats: Poems

W.B. Yeats: Poems


This compelling collection spans Yeats's career: from the poems of his early years, which display his interest in Irish myths and his hopeless passion for Irish patriot Maud Gonne, to the soaring, majestic poems of his old age. Works of precision, economy and sensuous, lyrical beauty, they include "The Lake Isle of Innisfree," "The Wild Swans at Coole," "Byzantium," and "Leda and the Swan."




最完整的美妝情報、最齊全的好食地圖、最多元的在地文化   從零開始了解首爾,快速掌握交通、住宿、購物的獨門祕技! 首爾概況      首爾位於朝鮮半島的中部,距離韓國西海岸非常近。城市四周被小山和丘陵環繞,東北部有水落山、龍馬峰,南部有官岳山、三 聖山、牛眠山等,東南部和西部是百米左右的丘陵,這些小山和丘陵形成了首爾的外廓。韓國第一大河:漢江,自東向西川過整個首爾城,沿江分為江南和江北兩部 份,江南地區因地勢平坦,是首爾最富庶的區域。全首爾由25個區(□)、15000多個洞(□)組成。「洞」相當於中文的「村」。   而這15000多個洞,又由11萬多個番地(□□)組成,這整個凡如網狀的區域,彼此以便捷的地鐵遍佈連接,人民往來十分方便,也相對帶動了區域商業發展,成為現今亞洲地區不容忽略的經濟體之一。 本書特點   潮人帶路!給你首爾獨家玩樂路線不藏私!      ◆買韓貨、嚐美食   明洞.正官庄.東大門.杏花村.Sabal.東北火鍋王.古宮.南道食堂   最省錢的嚐鮮購物自搭行程!      ◆韓劇熱點、魅力街景   景福宮.安貞煥夫婦’s Tovou.青鳥劇場.N首爾塔.光化門廣場   韓星常出沒的浪漫景點全收錄!      ◆美妝重鎮、度假勝地   It’s skin.Innisfree.Doota.漢江大橋咖啡.松竹軒.亂打秀.省谷美術館   私房美景、追星祕技讓你不只是觀光客!

Exploring Gardens and Green Spaces: From Connecticut to the Delaware Valley

Exploring Gardens and Green Spaces: From Connecticut to the Delaware Valley


Nestled all along the northeast corridor, a profusion of horticultural gems and designed landscapes beckons visitors, from celebrated formal parks, estates, and arboretums to less familiar-and often hard to find-gardens. This unique guidebook features 148 of them, providing readers with an incomparable resource for locating and exploring the region's green spaces-many with historic homes at their center. Whether large, sumptuous, and impressively maintained, or modest in size, budget, and staff, all have distinctive historical, artistic, and horticultural offerings that make them well worth a trip. Mt. Cuba Center and Winterthur in Delaware, Longwood Gardens in southeastern Pennsylvania, Grounds for Sculpture and the Leonard J. Buck Garden in New Jersey, the Humes Japanese Stroll Garden on Long Island, Stonecrop Gardens and Innisfree in the Hudson Valley, and Elizabeth Park and Hollister House in Connecticut are just a few of the great gardens highlighted. Featuring more than three hundred color photographs and twenty-nine maps, with a fund of practical information for each entry-including transportation, nearby eateries, and other sites of interest-Exploring Gardens and Green Spaces is a veritable tour guide at your fingertips, showcasing an array of gardens that await discovery.

