Absorption and Drug Development: Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State
了解詳情Explains how to perform and analyze the results of the latest physicochemical methodsWith this book as their guide, readers have access to all the current information needed to thoroughly investigate and accurately determine a compound's pharmaceutical properties and their effects on drug absorption. The book emphasizes oral absorption, explaining all the physicochemical methods used today to analyze drug candidates. Moreover, the author provides expert guidance to help readers analyze the results of their studies in order to select the most promising drug candidates.This Second Edition has been thoroughly updated and revised, incorporating all the latest research findings, methods, and resources, including:Descriptions and applications of new PAMPA models, drawing on more than thirty papers published by the author's research groupTwo new chapters examining permeability and Caco-2/MDCK and permeability and the blood-brain barrierExpanded information and methods to support pKa determinationNew examples explaining the treatment of practically insoluble test compoundsAdditional case studies demonstrating the use of the latest physicochemical techniquesNew, revised, and expanded database tables throughout the bookWell over 200 drawings help readers better understand difficult concepts and provide a visual guide to complex procedures. In addition, over 800 references serve as a gateway to the primary literature in the field, facilitating further research into all the topics covered in the book.This Second Edition is recommended as a reference for researchers in pharmaceutical R&D as well as in agrochemical, environmental, and other related areas of research. It is also recommended as a supplemental text for graduate courses in pharmaceutics.
As Duas Faces Da Abobora
了解詳情'As Duas Faces da Abobora' eh uma estoria que mostra contrastes culturais entre os chamados 'primeiro mundo' e 'terceiro mundo', com uma visao a partir do terceiro mundo.Nessa linha, o livro procura mostrar aspectos culturais entre os Estados Unidos e o Brasil, atraves de personagens americanos e brasileiros em meio a conflitos de interesse e da forma como eles os encaram.Alem de mostrar a relacao Brasil e Estados Unidos, eh tambem um livro que mescla a todo instante os opostos do mundo, como o amor e o odio, a ambicao e o desprendimento, a riqueza e a pobreza, o humor e o mau-humor, o bem e o mal, o quente e o frio, o moral e o imoral, o fundamentalista e o cosmopolita, etc ...A estoria tem como pano-de-fundo as Globalizacoes Economica e Tecnologica, mostrando os problemas que a Globalizacao Economica trouxe para os paises pobres, como o desemprego e, em contra-partida, mostra o maravilhoso mundo novo que se torna possivel gracas a Globalizacao Tecnologica atraves da uniao de culturas diversas pela Internet e meios de comunicacao.A personagem principal e heroina dessa estoria eh uma americana, de 28 anos, riquissima, herdeira de um gigantesco conglomerado petroquimico ao redor do mundo. Muito embora rica, Kate King eh cosmopolita, humanista, religiosa, ecologica, e trabalha em uma ONG em Mocambique, combatendo a miseria, doen�禮as, fome e a poluicao do planeta.
Absorption and Drug Development: Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State
了解詳情Explains how to perform and analyze the results of the latest physicochemical methodsWith this book as their guide, readers have access to all the current information needed to thoroughly investigate and accurately determine a compound's pharmaceutical properties and their effects on drug absorption. The book emphasizes oral absorption, explaining all the physicochemical methods used today to analyze drug candidates. Moreover, the author provides expert guidance to help readers analyze the results of their studies in order to select the most promising drug candidates.This Second Edition has been thoroughly updated and revised, incorporating all the latest research findings, methods, and resources, including:Descriptions and applications of new PAMPA models, drawing on more than thirty papers published by the author's research groupTwo new chapters examining permeability and Caco-2/MDCK and permeability and the blood-brain barrierExpanded information and methods to support pKa determinationNew examples explaining the treatment of practically insoluble test compoundsAdditional case studies demonstrating the use of the latest physicochemical techniquesNew, revised, and expanded database tables throughout the bookWell over 200 drawings help readers better understand difficult concepts and provide a visual guide to complex procedures. In addition, over 800 references serve as a gateway to the primary literature in the field, facilitating further research into all the topics covered in the book.This Second Edition is recommended as a reference for researchers in pharmaceutical R&D as well as in agrochemical, environmental, and other related areas of research. It is also recommended as a supplemental text for graduate courses in pharmaceutics.
Breath, Eyes, Memory
了解詳情At the age of twelve, Sophie Caco is sent from the impoverished village of Croix-des-Rosets to New York to be reunited with her mother, where she gains a legacy of shame that can only be healed when she returns to Haiti, to the woman who first reared her